My Happy Seeded with Distortions

My happy has always been bringing happiness to others 

If the people around me were happy I would be happy

Many of us

Living our lives, doing what we do, our daily routine. We have a great Family, good friends, a home, if we are "lucky", still something isn't quite right.

I felt like I was suffocating

I simply just wasn't happy.

Attempting communication with my spouse of 13 years, he simply wasn't listening, or maybe thought "this would pass". The marriage was done, we were "going through the motions".
There was SOMETHING I was missing in my life.
I was not going to just sit back and simply "let life happen".

Social Media, became my outlet. It was NOT surprising how many other people were doing the same thing. Everyone living secret lives. I loved corresponding with people from all over the country, not just males either, yes I chatted with females. I began to get lost in my world of social media. Every night I  would head straight to the bathroom for my nightly bubble bath. 

Candles lit, a glass of wine, only one, and good CONVERSATION, On social media, I had people that wanted to simply chat with me, get to know me. I would literally stay in the bathroom for hours, some nights never even sleeping. It was my escape

Now, assuming you have read thus far, reading about my life upon the typical, "vanilla" side.

Let's get onto "how my kink journey began"


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